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Public safety cannot be compromised. Crime is ever-present, and we must push back against career criminals who threaten our communities. Mike has seen the impacts elsewhere of reducing public safety funding and he will fight to keep police on our streets. 


Mike's prioritization of government accountability and transparency is evident in his voting record. The public has a right to know how their government operates. Mike supports adequate review time for all bills introduced in Olympia and open dialogue.


As your State Representative, Mike's job is to make Washington as business-friendly as possible so people can get back to work. We must do whatever is necessary to develop our local economy and create sustainable jobs so our communities can flourish.


Mike understands that tax increases hamper economic development and job growth. He will continue pushing back against tax increases and make Washington more business friendly, which will attract more jobs that support families.


During Mike’s time in the legislature as 6th District Representative, he has fought against a state income tax, a capital gains tax, taxes on beverages, a carbon tax, and the state’s largest property tax increase in history.


Mike’s deep commitment to education and its returns to the Spokane community is demonstrated by his tireless efforts to prioritize public education, continue the excellent traditions of higher education in Spokane County, and enhance the trades and skills training opportunities offered here.

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Mike’s diverse background, from US Army veteran to his current role as County Chief Deputy Treasurer, more than equips him to fight for Spokane’s job market and a pro-business climate.

Mike’s solid financial management skills and CPA credentials provide the necessary skills to get our state government back to living within its means leaving more dollars in the pockets of those who earned them.

“Mike Volz is a longtime supporter of law enforcement. He understands that public safety is greatly impacted when resources and the tools we need are reduced. We need Mike back in Olympia advocating for the safety of our community.”

John Nowels

Spokane County Sheriff



Thanks for contacting us!

© 2024 Paid for by

Committee to Elect Mike Volz, R

PO Box 10163, Spokane, WA 99209



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